disk list

Lists the disks on a node.


maprcli disk list
  -host name/ip
  [ -system 1/0 ]
  [ -output <terse|verbose>. default: verbose ]
 [ -startdisk index of the first node (starting from 0). default: 0 ] 
 [ -limitdisk number of nodes to query. default: 2147483647 ]
  [ -sortby <hostname|diskname|mount|vendor|modelnum|serialnum|firmwareversion|totalspace|usedspace|
             availablespace|fstype|powerstatus|status|errormsg|storagepoolid|failuretime> ]
  [ -sortorder <asc|desc> ]
Request Type GET
Request URL




host (Required) The node on which to list the disks.
output (Optional) Whether the output should be terse or verbose. Default is verbose.
sortby (Optional) Specifies one of the following attributes to sort the list of disks by: hostname, diskname, mount, vendor, modelnum, serialnum, firmwareversion, totalspace, usedspace, availablespace, fstype, powerstatus, status, errormsg, storagepoolid, failuretime. Default: Order in which the disks are detected.
sortorder (Optional) The order to sort the results by. Value can be:
  • asc - for ascending order
  • desc - for descending order

Default: Order in which the disks are detected

startdisk (Optional) The disk from which to start listing. Default: 0 (first disk)
limitdisk (Optional) The number of disks to list starting from the startdisk parameter.

Default: all

system (Optional) Show only operating system disks:
  • 0 - shows only file system disks
  • 1 - shows only operating system disks
  • Not specified - shows both file system and operating system disks (Default)


Information about the specified disks. See the Disk Fields table.

Sample Output
# maprcli disk list -host -output terse
mn            pst      sp  fw   mt  fs       dsu  n          st  dsa     dst     hn           vn      
Virtual_disk  running      1.0  1   ext4     77   /dev/sda1  0   423     500  VMware  
Virtual_disk  running      1.0  0                 /dev/sda2  0           15883  VMware  
Virtual_disk  running  1   1.0  0   MapR-FS  608  /dev/sdb   0   101792  102400  VMware  
                                0                 /dev/dm-0  0           7864          
                                0   swap          /dev/dm-1  0           8016


List disks on a host:

maprcli disk list -host
curl -u <username> -X GET https://server.sj.us:8443/rest/disk/list?host=""

Lists disks in ascending order sorted by fstype:

# maprcli disk list -host atsqa4-161.qa.lab -sortby fstype -sortorder asc
modelnum      mount  totalspace  diskname   hostname           firmwareversion  vendor  availablespace  storagepoolid  powerstatus  usedspace  fstype   status  
ST91000640NS  1      1024        /dev/sda1  atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     895                            running      129        ext3     0       
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdb   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     953530          1              running      339        MapR-FS  0       
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdc   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     953530          1              running      339        MapR-FS  0       
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sde   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     953371          2              running      498        MapR-FS  0       
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdf   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     953371          2              running      498        MapR-FS  0       
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdd   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     953530          1              running      339        MapR-FS  0       
              0      13024       /dev/dm-0  atsqa4-161.qa.lab                                                                                  swap     0       
ST91000640NS  0      952844      /dev/sda2  atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA                                    running                          0       
              0      51200       /dev/dm-1  atsqa4-161.qa.lab                                                                                           0       
              0      358400      /dev/dm-2  atsqa4-161.qa.lab
curl -u <username> -X GET https://servr.sj.us:8443/rest/disk/list?host="atsqa4-161.qa.lab"&sortby=fstype&sortorder=asc

Lists the labels assigned to each disk. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels.

[root@atsqa4-161 ~]# maprcli disk list -host atsqa4-161.qa.lab
modelnum      mount  totalspace  diskname   hostname           firmwareversion  vendor  availablespace  storagepoolid  powerstatus  usedspace  fstype   labelname  status
ST91000640NS  1      1024        /dev/sda1  atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     816                            running      208        ext3                0
ST91000640NS  0      952844      /dev/sda2  atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA                                    running                                     0
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdb   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     952895          1              running      974        MapR-FS  default    0
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdc   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     952902          2              running      967        MapR-FS  default    0
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdd   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     952904          3              running      965        MapR-FS  default    0
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sde   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     952901          4              running      968        MapR-FS  default    0
ST91000640NS  0      953869      /dev/sdf   atsqa4-161.qa.lab  SN03             ATA     952908          5              running      961        MapR-FS  label1     0
              0      512000      /dev/dm-0  atsqa4-161.qa.lab                                                                                                      0
              0      8192        /dev/dm-1  atsqa4-161.qa.lab                                                                                  swap                0
curl -u <username> -X GET https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/disk/list?host="atsqa4-161.qa.lab"