insight cluster

Enables or disables addition of audit data to Iceberg tables for the specified type.

The insight service runs on a single node only.



maprcli insight
	[ -enable set true/false ]
	[ -nodes node names space separated ]
	[ -type audit type [mfs, s3, auth, cldb] ]
Request Type PUT
Request URL


Parameter Description
enable (Mandatory)Set the value of this option to true to enable retrieval and adding of audit data to Iceberg tables. The default value is false, which means that audit data gathering is disabled. When you enable this without specifying a node name, the audit data gathering is enabled at the cluster level - all types of audit logs, that is, cldb, mfs, auth, and s3 audit logs must be retrieved and pushed to the designated Iceberg table.
nodes (Optional) The node name from which the audit data is to be retrieved and added to Iceberg table/retrieval and addition of audit data to Iceberg table is to be stopped. This option cannot be used in combination with type option. Specify the node name on which the insight service is running.

Specifying this option implies that for the specified node audit log gathering for all components is enabled or disabled.

type (Optional) The type of audit log. The permissible values are mfs for file server logs, s3 for S3 object store logs, cldb for cldb logs and auth for web server authentication logs. Use comma-separated list for more than one audit log type. When type-level insights are enabled/disabled, the configuration is effective for the type across all nodes in the cluster. If s3 disabled, audit logs for S3 object store across all nodes are not added to Iceberg table.

This option cannot be used in combination with node option.


Enable audit logs data for all components, that is, cldb, mfs, auth, and s3 across all nodes.
Each type of audit log stream will have a dedicated Iceberg table. There are 4 tables that store the logs for the four types of audit logs, that is, cldb, mfs, auth and s3.
maprcli insight cluster -enable true -json
        "timeofday":"2024-07-26 05:47:07.792 GMT-0700 AM",
                "Updated insight Config Successfully. "
Enable audit logs data for cldb and s3 components across all nodes.
maprcli insight cluster -enable true -type cldb, s3 -json
        "timeofday":"2024-07-26 05:48:13.460 GMT-0700 AM",
                "Updated insight Config Successfully. "

Enable audit logs data for all components for the specified node.

maprcli insight cluster -enable true -nodes `hostname -f` -json
        "timeofday":"2024-07-26 05:50:31.593 GMT-0700 AM",
                "Updated insight Config Successfully. "