insight info

Prints the status of the component types and retention days for purging with respect to the insight service.

The insight info subcommand displays detailed information related to the following:

  • whether the component types are enabled/disabled.
  • The time the audit data was last added to the respective Iceberg table, along with relevant status code and a message in case of error.
  • The clean-up time activity of older audit data based on the specified retentionDays.
    The value of retentionDays would be as configured by using the insight purge command.


maprcli insight
	[ -nodes node names space separated ]
	[ -type audit type [mfs, s3, auth, cldb] ],
	[ -purge true/false ]
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
nodes (Optional) The node name for which the information from the insight service is to be displayed. Specifying this option implies that status for all the components is to be displayed for the specified node. This option cannot be used in combination with the type option.
type (Optional) The audit component type for which the information from the insight service is to be displayed. The permissible values are mfs for file server logs, s3 for S3 object store logs, cldb for cldb logs and auth for web server authentication logs. Use comma-separated list for more than one audit log type. When type-level insights are enabled/disabled, the configuration is effective for the type across all nodes in the cluster. If s3 disabled, audit logs for S3 object store across all nodes are not added to Iceberg table.

This option cannot be used in combination with node option.

purge (Optional) Use this option to view the purge activity of insight service. It is used to display the retentionDays, purge activity time related to the purge. The permissible values are true or false.

true denotes that only the purge information should be displayed in the command output.

Purge is enabled automatically for the components that have been enabled using insight clustercommand.


Display all insight information as a well-formatted output (node-wise component and purge details).

# maprcli insight info -json
        "timeofday":"2024-07-26 04:43:00.316 GMT-0700 AM",
                                                "lastCommitTime":"2024-07-26 04:42:52.151 GMT-0700"
                                        "attemptTime":"2024-07-26 04:42:52.151 GMT-0700",
                                        "finishTime":"2024-07-26 04:42:52.295 GMT-0700",
                                        "snapsEpoch":"2024-07-26 04:40:52.151 GMT-0700"

Display insight purge details only.

# maprcli insight info -purge true -json
       "timeofday":"2024-07-26 03:58:19.366 GMT-0700 AM",
                                       "attemptTime":"2024-07-26 03:58:11.769 GMT-0700",
                                       "finishTime":"2024-07-26 03:58:11.924 GMT-0700",
                                       "snapsEpoch":"2024-07-26 03:56:11.769 GMT-0700"

Display insight information pertaining to the specified component

# maprcli insight info -type cldb, mfs -json
        "timeofday":"2024-07-26 03:33:03.068 GMT-0700 AM",
                                                "lastCommitTime":"2024-07-26 03:32:08.102 GMT-0700"