stream assign list

For the given stream, lists consumers and the topics and partitions that the consumers are reading messages from.

Permissions Required

To run this command, your user ID must have the following permissions:
  • readAce on the volume
  • lookupdir on directories in the path
  • adminperm, consumeperm, produceperm, or topicperm permission on the stream
The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams does not allow the mapr user to run this command unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.


maprcli stream assign list
   -path <Stream Path >
   [ -consumergroup <Consumer Group ID> ]
   [ -topic <Topic Name> ]
   [ -partition <Partition ID> ]
   [ -detail <Detail Parameter takes no value>  ]
REST http[s]://<host>:<port>/rest/stream/assign/list?path=<path>


Parameter Description
path The path and name of the stream.
consumergroup Specifies the ID of a particular consumer group that you want to list the consumers for.
topic The name of a topic to list the consumers for. If you also specify the -partition parameter, only the consumers that are reading from the indicated partition are listed.
partition The ID of a specific partition. If you specify this ID, you must also use the -topic parameter.
detail Includes the values of additional parameters in the output. These parameters are used internally.

Sample Output

With the -detail parameter:
# maprcli stream assign list -path /s1 -json -detail
	"timeofday":"2015-09-11 02:51:49.585 GMT-0700",
Without the -detail parameter:
# maprcli stream assign list -path /s1 -json 
	"timeofday":"2015-09-11 02:51:56.100 GMT-0700",

Field Descriptions

The name of the consumer group that is reading messages from this topic partition.
The name of the topic.
The sequence number of the current assignment of this partition. This value is used internally.
The globally unique identifer for the consumer. This value is used internally.
The ID of the consumer. This value is set with the configuration parameter.
The IP address of the consumer.
The process ID of the consumer.
The index numbers of the partitions that are assigned to this consumer.