stream cursor delete

Deletes committed cursors that are in the partitions in a stream.

Deleting the committed cursors for active consumers has no effect on the consumers. Consumers use read cursors to keep track of where they currently are in partitions.

For example, the consumer consumer1 continues reading the messages in a partition from the position of the consumer's read cursor even after the consumer's committed cursor is deleted. However, if consumer1 goes offline and the partition is reassigned to another consumer (consumer2) in the same consumer group before consumer1 creates another committed cursor, consumer2 starts reading the partition at the most recent message.

Permissions Required

To run this command, your user ID must have the following permissions:
  • readAce and writeAce on the volume
  • lookupdir on directories in the path
  • adminperm or consumeperm permission on the stream
The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams does not allow the mapr user to run this command unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.


maprcli stream cursor delete
	 -path <Stream Path> 
	[ -consumergroup <Consumer Group ID> ]
	[ -topic <Topic Name> ]
	[ -partition <Partition ID> ]
REST http[s]://<host>:<port>/rest/stream/cursor/delete?path=<path>


Parameter Description
path The path and name of the stream in which the committed cursors are located.
consumergroup Specifies the ID of a particular consumer group that you want to delete the committed cursors for.
topic The name of a topic to delete committed cursors from. If you also specify the -partition parameter, only the committed cursors in the indicated partition are deleted.
partition The ID of the partition where the committed cursors that you want to delete is located. If you specify this ID, you must also use the -topic parameter.