Configuring SPNEGO on the Drillbit (Web Server)

To configure SPNEGO on the web server, complete the following steps:

  1. Generate a Kerberos principal on each web server that will receive inbound SPNEGO traffic. Each principal must have a corresponding keytab. The principal must have the following form:
       Example: "HTTP/example.QA.LAB@QA.LAB" 
       //In this example, the client known server hostname is example.QA.LAB.
    If HTTPS is enabled on the Drillbit (web server), the SPNEGO principal should also start with "HTTP/", not "HTTPS/" even though the URL includes HTTPS.
  2. Update the /opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version>/conf/drill-override.conf file on each Drillbit with the following server-side SPNEGO configurations:
    • To enable SPNEGO, add the following configuration to drill-override.conf:
      impersonation: {
                          enabled: true,
                          max_chained_user_hops: 3
                    drill.exec.http: {
                          auth.mechanisms: ["SPNEGO"]    
            //The default authentication mechanism is "FORM".   
    • To enable SPNEGO and FORM authentication, add the following configuration to drill-override.conf:
      impersonation: {
                     enabled: true,
                     max_chained_user_hops: 3
                   security.user.auth: {
                           enabled: true,
                           packages += "",
                           impl: "pam4j",
                           pam_profiles: [ "sudo", "login" ]
                  drill.exec.http: {
                           auth.mechanisms: ["SPNEGO", "FORM"]
  3. (Optional) To configure the mapping from a Kerberos principal to a user account used by Drill, update the property in the drill-override.conf file with custom rules, as described in Mapping from Kerberos Principal to OS user account.
    Drill uses a Hadoop Kerberos name and rules to transform the client Kerberos principal to the principal Drill uses internally as the client’s identity. By default, this mapping rule extracts the first portion from the provided principal. For example, if the principal format is Name1/Name2@realm, the default rule extracts only Name1 from the principal and stores Name1 as the client’s identity on server side. Drill uses the short name, for example Name1, as the user account known to Drill. This user account name is used to determine if the authenticated user has administrative privileges.