Drill REST API and Web UI
This topic provides information about the Drill REST API and Web UI, including permission requirements.
If Drill has authentication enabled, you must supply credentials when using the Drill REST API.
Although Drill (in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric) does not support HTTP basic authentication, you
can work around this if your HTTP client saves cookies between requests. As a workaround, save
the authenticated cookie to a file and then use the cookie in subsequent requests, as shown in
the following
//Log in and save the authenticated cookie to a file:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-k -c cookies.txt -s \
-d "j_username=DRILL_USER" \
-d "j_password=DRILL_PASSWORD" \
//In subsequent requests, use the cookie from that request:
curl -kv \
-b cookies.txt \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @/tmp/hive-storage-plugin.json
session remains active for one hour. You can increase the session time through the
option in
:drill.exec: {
http: {
session_max_idle_secs: 86400, # 24hr
REST API Methods and Web UI Functions
The following table and subsections describe requests and privilege levels for accessing
the REST API methods and corresponding Drill Web UI functions. Privileges in the table are
listed as AMDIN, USER, and ALL. ALL indicates privileges given to both the user and
Path | Request Type | Output Type | Functionality | Privileges |
/ | GET | text/html | Returns Drillbit stats in a table in HTML format. | ALL |
/stats.json | GET | application/json | Returns Drillbit stats such as ports and max direct memory in json format. | ALL |
/status | GET | text/html | Returns Running! | ALL |
/options.json | GET | application/json | Returns a list of options. Each option consists of name-value-type-kind (for example: (boot system datatype). | ALL |
/options | GET | text/html | Returns an HTML table where each row is a form containing the option details and ability to modify the option values. | ALL |
/option/{optionName} | POST | text/html | Updates the options and calls getSystemOptions to display list of options. | ADMIN |
/storage.json | GET | application/json | Returns a list of storage plugin wrappers each containing name-config (instance of StoragePluginConfig) and enables the storage plugin configuration. | ADMIN |
/storage | GET | text/html | Returns an HTML page with sections that contain:
/storage/{name}.json | GET | application/json | Returns a plugin config wrapper for the requested web page. | ADMIN |
/storage/{name} | GET | text/html | Returns an HTML page that has an editable text box for configuration editing, followed by buttons for creating,updating, and deleting. Each of the buttons make calls that generate the new page again. | ADMIN |
/storage/{name}/enable/{val} | GET | application/json | Updates the storage plugin status. Returns success or failure. | ADMIN |
/storage/{name}.json | DELETE | application/json | Deletes the storage plugin. Returns success or failure. | ADMIN |
/storage/{name}/delete | GET | application/json | Same as deletePluginJSON but a GET instead of a DELETE request. | ADMIN |
/storage/{name}.json | POST | application/json | Creates or updates the storage plugin. Returns success or failure. Expects JSON input. | ADMIN |
/storage/{name} | POST | application/json | Same as createOrUpdatePluginJSON expects JSON or FORM input. | ADMIN |
/profiles.json | GET | application/json | Returns currently running and completed profiles from PStore. For each profile a queryId, startTime, foremanAddress, query, user, and state is returned. Each list (running and completed) is organized in reverse chronological order. | ADMIN, USER |
/profiles | GET | text/html | Generates an HTML page from the data returned by getProfilesJSON with a hyperlink to a detailed query page. | ADMIN, USER |
/profiles/{queryid}.json | GET | application/json | Returns the entire profile in JSON. | ADMIN, USER |
/profiles/{queryid} | GET | text/html | Returns a complex profile page. | ADMIN, USER |
/profiles/cancel/{queryid} | GET | text/html | Cancels the given query and sends a message. | ADMIN, USER |
/query | GET | text/html | Gets the query input page. | ALL |
/query.json | POST | application/json | Submits a query and waits until it is completed and then returns the results as one big JSON object. | ALL |
/query | POST | text/html | Returns the results of submitQueryJSON in an HTML table. | ALL |
/status/metrics | GET | application/json | Returns a page that fetches metric info from resource, status, and metrics. | ALL |
/status/threads | GET | text/html | Returns a page that fetches metric information from resource, status, and threads. | ALL |
/login | GET | text/html | Returns an HTML log in page. If the user is already logged in, returns the home page. If the URL contains a redirect, sets the redirect URI for the session and forwards the user to the redirect page after the user is successfully logged in. | ALL |
/login | POST | text/html | Returns a validation error for incorrect credentials. | ALL |
/logout | GET | text/html | Ends a session. | ALL |
GET /profiles.json
- ADMIN - gets all profiles on the system.
- USER - only the profiles of the queries the user has launched.
- ADMIN - gets all profiles on the system.
- USER - only the profiles of the queries the user has launched.
- ADMIN - return the profile.
- USER - if the query is launched the by the requesting user return it. Otherwise, return an error saying no such profile exists.
- ADMIN - return the profile.
- USER - if the query is launched the by the requesting user return it. Otherwise, return an error saying no such profile exists
- ADMIN - can cancel the query.
- USER - cancel the query only if the query is launched by the user requesting the cancellation.