cluster usage export

Checks the currently configured values for the service activation URLs.


maprcli usage export status
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
status Displays the status information for the given cluster. For details See the following example.


  • Register URL : The URL that is used to register the fabric.
  • Renew URL : The URL that is used to renew your activation monthly after the initial activation.
  • Upload URL : The URL that is used to upload billing information.
  • Proxy URL : The URL that enables your fabric to communicate with the billing service when a proxy is used. You do not need to configure the proxy URL if your organization does not use a proxy.


To check the current connection mode status for a cluster and display the current URL values:
# maprcli usage export status -json
        "timeofday":"2023-05-17 05:54:13.985 GMT+0000 AM",
                                "activeTill":"2023-06-15 17:22:05.000 GMT+0000"
To show parameters corresponding to the air-gapped mode, use the following command:
maprcli usage export status -summary airgapped -json
        "timeofday":"2023-06-14 02:55:54.240 GMT-0700 AM",
                                "activeTill":"2023-07-20 03:18:38.000 GMT-0700"

Once the activation key is applied, the key is valid (and the fabric is operational) until the Activetill Date. After the Activetill Date, a short grace period is applied to allow you to perform the steps to maintain activation.

To show parameters corresponding to the air-gapped mode, use the following command:
maprcli usage export status -summary airgapped -json
        "timeofday":"2023-06-14 02:55:54.240 GMT-0700 AM",
                                "activeTill":"2023-07-20 03:18:38.000 GMT-0700"
You can edit the default URL by using the following command with one of the following four options:
maprcli usage export url
                [ -registerUrl <register-url> ]
                [ -uploadUrl <upload-url> ]
                [ -renewCredsUrl <renew-creds-url> ]
                [ -proxyUrl <proxy-url> ]
For example:
maprcli usage export url -registerUrl <url name1> -uploadUrl <url name2> -renewCredsUrl <url name3> -proxyUrl <url name4> -json
        "timeofday":"2023-08-16 12:15:17.568 GMT-0700 AM",
                "export urls updated successfully! "