clustergroup getnfsexports

Displays the list of exports from the /etc/exports file of an external NFS server that has been imported into a cluster group or global namespace.

The entries for the external NFS exports accessible to a Data Fabric user are available in the /etc/exports file on the external NFS server. The Data Fabric user can read from and write to such NFS exports.

The getnfsexports command lists the exports from the /etc/exports file of an external NFS server imported into the global namespace/cluster group.

The command lists a summary of each export along with the total size of the export, used space, and free space available on the export.

The command supports NFSv4 servers only.

See clustergroup addexternal to add or import an external NFS server into the global namespace/cluster group via maprcli.

See clustergroup get cgtable to view external NFS server details via maprcli.

See clustergroup remove cluster to remove the external NFS server from the cluster group via maprcli.


maprcli clustergroup getnfsexports
        -externalservername name of the external server for exports info
        [ -start start. default: 0 ]
        [ -limit limit. default: 2147483647 ]
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
externalservername (Required) Name of the external NFS server
start (Optional) The entry to start from when listing. Default: 0 (first entry)
limit (Optional) The number of records to list. Default: 2147483647


Lists the export entries in the /etc/exports file for an external NFS server with the name extnfs along with the total, used, and free space on each export. Starts at the second entry and lists two entries.
maprcli clustergroup getnfsexports -externalservername extnfs -start 1 -limit 2 -json
        "timeofday":"2023-10-29 09:33:14.720 GMT-0700 PM",
When using a self-signed certificate, pass the -k option to curl to avoid the certificate check.
curl -k -u <username> -X GET