filefilter list

Lists filters specified by filtering criteria.


/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli filefilter list
        [ -columns all. default: all ]
        [ -filter none. default: none ]
        [ -limit limit. default: 2147483647 ]
        [ -output verbose. default: verbose ]
        [ -sortby <filtername|filterid>, column names of supported fields. ]
        [ -sortorder <asc|desc> ]
        [ -start start. default: 0 ]
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter Description
columns A comma-separated list of fields to return in the query.
filter A filter specifying file filters to list. See Filters for more information. Default: none
limit Number of filters to list.
output Either terse or verbose.
sortby Field on which to sort the output.
sortorder Either ascending or descending.
start Filter to start with when listing multiple filters.


List all file filters:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli filefilter list -json

        "timeofday":"2021-01-04 09:56:19.089 GMT-0800 PM",
                        "description":"No text  jpg and mov files",
curl -X POST '' --user <username>:<password>
{"timestamp":1609826294528,"timeofday":"2021-01-04 09:58:14.528 GMT-0800 PM","status":"OK","total":3,"data":[{"filterid":1,"filtername":"nojpg","description":"NO","fileExtention":"jpg,txt"},{"filterid":3,"filtername":"notextjpg","description":"No text  jpg and mov files","fileExtention":"jpg,txt,mov"},{"filterid":4,"filtername":"noexec","description":"No","fileExtention":"exe,bat,sh"}]}

List the first two file filters

The start and limit parameters are useful for limiting the results. You can list the first two file filters as follows:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli filefilter list -start 0 -limit 2 -json
        "timeofday":"2021-01-04 10:01:43.471 GMT-0800 PM",
                        "description":"No text  jpg and mov files",
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
{"timestamp":1609826617711,"timeofday":"2021-01-04 10:03:37.711 GMT-0800 PM","status":"OK","total":2,"data":[{"filterid":1,"filtername":"nojpg","description":"NO","fileExtention":"jpg,txt"},{"filterid":3,"filtername":"notextjpg","description":"No text  jpg and mov files","fileExtention":"jpg,txt,mov"}]}