s3user create

The command creates a user in the given s3 account and domain in a Data Fabric cluster.


The s3user create command can be used to create a user in the given S3 account, domain.

In a multi-cluster environment, you must specify the cluster_name parameter to create the user on the specified cluster.

        maprcli s3user create
                [ -cluster cluster_name ]
                 -domainname <domain_name> 
                 -accountname <account_name> 
                 -username <user_name>

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
cluster The cluster on which to run the command. By default, the cluster is the one on which the command is being run. This is an optional parameter. If cluster name not specified, the user is created on the local cluster.
domainname The s3 domain name in which the user is to be created.
accountname The s3 account name in which the user is to be created.
username The s3 username to be created.

Output Parameters

Parameter Description
accesskey Access key for the user is generated when the user is created successfully.
secretkey Secret key for the user is generated when the user is created successfully.

Sample Output

maprcli s3user create -domainname primary -accountname default -username user1 -json
        "timeofday":"2023-08-27 10:26:09.351 GMT-0700 PM",