stream topic info

Lists information about a stream's topic, grouped by partition ID.

Permissions Required

To run this command, your user ID must have the following permissions:
  • readAce on the volume
  • lookupdir on directories in the path
  • adminperm, consumeperm, produceperm, or topicperm permission on the stream
The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams does not allow the mapr user to run this command unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.


maprcli stream topic info
	 -path <Stream Path> 
	 -topic <Topic Name> 
REST http[s]://<host>:<port>/rest/stream/topic/info?path=<path>&topic=<name>


Parameter Description
path The path and name of the stream for which you want to display information about topics.
topic The name of the topic for which you want to display information.

Sample Output

maprcli stream topic info -path /streamVol/stream1 -topic topic1 -json
	"timeofday":"2018-03-16 01:30:52.550 GMT-0700 PM",
			"mintimestamp":"1969-12-31T04:00:00.000-0800 PM",
			"maxtimestamp":"1969-12-31T04:00:00.000-0800 PM",
			"mintimestampacrossconsumers":"1969-12-31T04:00:00.000-0800 PM",
                    "logcompactionlaststarted":"1969-12-31T04:00:00.000-0800 PM",
                    "logcompactionlastcompleted":"1969-12-31T04:00:00.000-0800 PM",
                    "logcompactionstatus":"not started"

Field Descriptions

The index number of the partition within the topic. The first partition in a topic has an index of 0, the next partition an index of 1, and so on.
The physical size (in bytes) of the stream topic with data compression.
The logical size (in bytes) of the stream topic without data compression.
The maximum offset for this partition.
All known consumers for this partition have consumed messages at least up to this offset.
The timestamp of oldest message in the partition.
The timestamp of newest message in the partition.
All known consumers for this partition have consumed messages older than this timestamp.
The inode hosting the head of the partition.
For use by HPE support: The master server that is hosting the head of the partition.
For use by HPE support: Lists all of the servers that are hosting the head of the partition.
The type of timestamp stored in the topic's message. Possible values: createtime (default) and logappendtime.
Displays the last time log compaction was started if log compaction was enabled. The value is displayed in epoch time. This field displays when there is a change in the value for this field.
Displays the last time log compaction completed if log compaction was enabled. The value is displayed in epoch time. This field displays when there is a change in the value for this field
Displays whether log compaction was started or completed.