AWS Fabric Configuration Parameters

This page describes the configuration values that you need to specify to create a new fabric using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Parameters with an asterisk (*) are required. Before you can initiate the Create process, you must specify all required parameters.

Name of the fabric. Use a name that is unique across all of your fabrics and is from 1 to 40 characters. The name:
  • Must start with a letter (either lowercase or uppercase).
  • Can contain lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Must not contain consecutive hyphens.
  • Must include a letter or a number as the final character.
The cloud provider on which to create the fabric. Select Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Access key ID*
AWS credential Access Key.
The user must have "AmazonEC2FullAccess" permission.
Secret key*
AWS credential Secret Access Key.
The AWS region in which to provision the fabric.
Storage Tier*
The consumption baseline that you specified in your license for the fabric. Your actual storage consumption can exceed this level. Select from these tiers:
  • 1 TB
  • 10 TB
  • 100 TB
  • 1 PB
Data-at-rest encryption
Data on disk (or data at rest) on a secure fabric can be encrypted, enabling you to protect the data if a disk is compromised. Encryption of data at rest not only prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data, but it also protects against data theft via sector-level disk access. Data-at-rest encryption is ON by default.
The number of nodes allocated based on the Storage tier you selected. You do not need to specify a number. The nodes are populated automatically.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ID*
The AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ID to use in the selected region. For example: vpc-0b5177b19511ee301. You must provide a VPC, and the VPC must have an internet gateway attached.
Public subnet ID*
The subnet ID to use in the selected VPC. For example: subnet-0445a49217546b101.
The public subnet must be accessible from the internet.