Azure Fabric Configuration Parameters

This page describes the configuration values that you need to specify to create a new fabric using Microsoft Azure.

Parameters with an asterisk (*) are required. Before you can initiate the Create process, you must specify all required parameters.

Name of the fabric. Use a name that is unique across all of your fabrics and is from 1 to 40 characters. The name:
  • Must start with a letter (either lowercase or uppercase).
  • Can contain lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Must not contain consecutive hyphens.
  • Must include a letter or a number as the final character.
The cloud provider on which to create the fabric. Select Azure.
Azure tenant ID*
The ID of the Azure tenant. For information about how to obtain the ID, see this website.
The tenant must be accessible from the internet.
Subscription ID*
The Azure subscription ID. Azure tenants can have one or more subscriptions, which are agreements with Microsoft to use Azure services. Every Azure resource is associated with a subscription. For information about how to obtain the ID, see this website.
The subscription must have an attached internet gateway.
Client ID*
The ID of the Azure client (application) in the Active Directory. For information about how to obtain the ID, see this website.
The client must be accessible from the internet.
Client secret*
The Azure client (application) secret in the Active Directory. For information about how to obtain the secret, see this website.
The client secret must be accessible from the internet.
The Azure region in which to provision the fabric.
Storage Tier*
The consumption baseline that you specified in your license for the fabric. Your actual storage consumption can exceed this level. Select from these tiers:
  • 1 TB
  • 10 TB
  • 100 TB
  • 1 PB
Data-at-rest encryption
Data on disk (or data at rest) on a secure fabric can be encrypted, enabling you to protect the data if a disk is compromised. Encryption of data at rest not only prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data, but it also protects against data theft via sector-level disk access. Data-at-rest encryption is ON by default.
The number of nodes allocated based on the Storage tier you selected. You do not need to specify a number. The nodes are populated automatically.
Resource group name*
The name of the Azure resource group. The resource group is a container that comprises multiple resources and facilitates the management of those resources.
Virtual network*
The name of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet).
The name of the subnet in your virtual network to be used for the fabric.