Help for

From the Docker command line, you can access the help text for the script.

To view the help for the setup script, use the ./ -h command:
% ./ -h
This script will take of deploying edf on seed node.

Syntax: ./ [-i|--image] [-p|--publicipv4dns] [-f|--proxyfiledetails]
-i|--image this is optional,By defaul it will pull image having latest tag,
       we can also provide image which has custom tag example:maprtech/edf-seed-container:7.4.0_9.1.2
-p|--publicipv4dns is the public IPv4 DNS and needed for cloud deployed seed nodes. Note that both inbound and outbound trafic on port 8443
       needs to be enabled on the cloud instance. Otherwise, the Data Fabric UI cannot be acessible
-f|--proxyfiledetails is the location of file from where proxy details provided by user are copied to docker container.

Normally, using the -i|--image option is not needed. You may provide the -i option if you want to specify a specific image. If you do not provide the option, the latest available image is downloaded.

The -f|--proxyfiledetails option allows you to specify proxy information in a file. On Linux nodes, if you do not provide the -f option, the contents of /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/environment are appended and copied to the container. On a Mac seed node, if you do not provide the -f option, no proxy details are copied.