Step 1 Troubleshooting

This article contains instructions that may help you if you run into problems during command line installation. To troubleshoot errors:

  1. Open the installer log file (see Installer Logs) and begin reading it from top to bottom.
  2. Stop at the first ERROR you find. The first error can often cause further problems downstream, and taking a start-to-finish approach (instead of working your way back from the tail end of the log file) may help you solve one error that in turn resolves a series of cascading errors.
  3. If the problem is obvious (such as a typo while setting options), then correct the problem and re-run the installer.
  4. If the error is listed in Common Errors, then attempt the remediation step(s) outlined for that error.
  5. If you are unable to resolve the problem(s) on your own, then contact HPE for support. You may be asked to provide the installer log and xtrace files.

Installer Logs

The installer generates the following files:

  • Installer Log: This log contains high-level information based on the options supplied when you ran the installer and the error(s) encountered during installation. This file will be stored in /tmp/bds_<timestamp>.log, where <timestamp> is the time the installer was run in yearmonthdayhourminutesecond format (such as bds_20170401223718.log. HPE may request this file if you contact us for support.
  • Xtrace: This file is a verbose, line-by-line description of the exact commands used by the script to both get data and determine the outcome of each test. This file will be stored in /tmp/bds_<timestamp>.log.xtrace, where <timestamp> is the time the installer was run in yearmonthdayhourminutesecond format (such as bds_20170401223718.log.xtrace. HPE may request this file if you contact us for support.
Neither the .log nor .xtrace files will pass any data or other sensitive information to HPE.

Common Errors

The most common installation errors include:

YUM MultiLib Version Errors

There are many reasons why YUM may throw a multilib version error. Please refer to the Red Hat documentation (Solution #57783) for help resolving these problems. Use the yum-config-manager to set the required options (and work around the issues displayed in the previous image). You must have a valid RedHat subscription in order to access this page.

RPM Version Error 1

You may receive an error saying that a newer version of an RPM or a dependency is already installed. This error may look similar to the following:

                        ---> Package netpbm.x86_64 0:10.47.05-11.el6 will be installed
                        ---> Package perl-hivex.x86_64 0:1.3.3.-4.2.el6 will be installed
                        --> Finished Dependency Resolution
                        Error: Package: cyrus-sals-md5-2.1.23-13.el6_3.1.x86_64 (centos6)
                                   Requires: cyrus-sasl-lib = 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1
                                   Installed: cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.23-15.el6.x86_64 (@base)
                                       cyrus-sasl-lib = 2.1.23-15.el6
                                   Available: cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.23-13.el6_3.1.x86_64 (centos6)
                                       cyrus-sasl-lib = 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1
                        You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
                        You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles -- nodigest


  • One way to recover is to erase the newer (already installed) version and try again. When erasing through YUM, it may end up treating almost all the packages on the system as dependencies and trying to erase everything. This often happens when the RPM that you are trying to delete installs some shared libraries. Avoid using the -y options when you are in this situation.
  • If the above problem prevents you from performing a YUM erase, you can try to use rpm -e directly. First, find the version of the RPM required in the error log and copy it to a known location. Execute rpm -e on the existing installed version of the rpm and immediately install the required version using rpm -ivh. The preceding solutions may fail with some of the core RPMs, leaving the system in an unusable state. Attempts to execute any binary will return an error saying that some library is missing. The only recourse in this case is to perform a fresh OS reinstallation.