Using the Pre-Check Config File

NOTE This article describes using the precheck scripts as part of installing HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise. For information about using the scripts during an upgrade, see the instructions for upgrading the platform.

Using the config file generated by the pre-check script (see Using the Pre-Check Script and Pre-Check Generated Files to install HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise on the Controller host can be a useful option. This option bypasses the pre-check script or overrides pre-check values provided that all of the following conditions are met:

  • You are aware of and have accounted for any warnings contained in the pre-check output.
  • The pre-check output did not contain any errors.
  • Nothing has changed about the Controller host, user, network, infrastructure, operating system, or configuration since the pre-check was successfully run.
NOTE Be sure to rerun the pre-check script with the appropriate option(s) if anything has changed since the last time it was successfully run.

To use the config file for the installation:

  1. Log into the host that you will be using as the Controller host using either the root account and password or your assigned username and password.
  2. If needed, copy the binary (.bin) to the host that you will use as the Controller host.
  3. Make the .bin file executable by executing the command chmod a+x <hpe_ezmeral>.bin

    • <hpe_ezmeral> is the full name of the .bin file.
  4. Run the executable binary from the Linux console as the assigned user by typing ./<hpe_ezmeral>.bin --prechecks-config-file <path> <additional_options>, where:
    • <hpe_ezmeral> is the full name of the .bin file.
    • <path> is the complete path to the config file generated by the pre-check script.
    • <additional_options> are any additional options you need to add, such as --default-password. See Standard Installation for a list of options.
  5. The installer checks the integrity of the bundle and then extracts the bundle contents.
  6. The End User License Agreement (EULA) appears. Read through the EULA, pressing [SPACE] to page through the content. Once you have viewed the entire EULA, press [y] to accept it and continue the installation.
  7. HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise installs on the Controller host. A series of messages appear during the installation. The following message appears once the installation is complete:
                        Successfully installed HPE CP.
                        Please visit to configure the server.
                        [root@hostname-1 ~] .

This concludes the first phase of the installation. Note the URL provided, as you will use this to continue configuration. Please proceed to Platform Controller Setup to continue the installation using the web interface.

NOTE If you encounter any errors during the installation process, see Step 1 Troubleshooting for information on diagnosing and fixing those errors. If problems persist, contact HPE for support.