Installing Hosts Using Passwordless SSH

The topics in this section describe using the passwordless SSH method to install the Shadow Controller and Arbiter hosts in HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise.


  • Required access rights: Platform Administrator

  • The environment allows key-based SSH login.

About this task

You must upload the public key to the hosts before uploading the corresponding private key to HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise to add those hosts via the web interface.


  1. Use a tool such as ssh-keygen to create a public key and a corresponding private key for each host. The keys must be in PEM format.

    For example, to use ssh-keygen on a Linux computer, enter the following command:

    ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa #
  2. Copy the file to the host.
  3. Add the public key to the list of authorized keys for the root user by executing a command similar to the following:
    root worker# cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  4. Test the key by executing the following command (where worker is the hostname or IP address of the Worker host) from the Controller host:
    ssh -i id_rsa root@worker

    This command should log the root user into the Worker host without being prompted for a password.


The public key is installed on the host. You can continue to Select the Hosts in Adding the Shadow Controller and Arbiter Hosts.