dump balancerinfo

Returns detailed information about the storage pools on a cluster. If there are any active container moves, the command returns information about the source and destination storage pools.

The maprcli dump balancerinfo command lets you see how much space is used in storage pools and to track active container moves. For best results, use the -json option when running dump balancerinfo from the command line.

The disk space balancer is a tool that balances disk space usage on a cluster by moving containers between storage pools. Whenever a storage pool is over 70% full (or a threshold defined by the cldb.balancer.disk.threshold.percentage parameter), the disk space balancer distributes containers to other storage pools with lower utilization than the average for that cluster. The disk space balancer aims to ensure that the percentage of space used on all the disks in the node is similar. For more information, see Disk Space Balancer.


maprcli dump balancerinfo
    [-cluster <cluster name>]
Request Type GET
Request URL





(Optional) The cluster on which to run the command. If you omit this parameter, the command uses the cluster on which it runs. In multi-cluster contexts, you can use this parameter to specify a different cluster to run the command.


The maprcli dump balancerinfo command returns detailed information about the storage pools on a cluster. If any active container moves occur, the command returns information about the source and destination storage pools..

# maprcli dump balancerinfo -cluster my.cluster.com -json


                        "From fsid":5410063549464613987,
                        "From IP:Port":"",
                        "From SP":"4bc329ce06752062004fa1a537abcefg",
                        "To fsid":3770844641152008527,
                        "To IP:Port":"",
                        "To SP":"761fec1fabf32104004fad9630ghijkl"

Output fields




The unique ID number of the storage pool.


The unique ID number of the file server. The FSID identifies an file system instance or a node that has file system running in the cluster. Typically, each node has a group of storage pools, so the same FSID will correspond to multiple SPIDs.


The host IP address and file system port.


The total capacity of the storage pool (in MB).


The amount of space used on the storage pool (in MB).


The percentage of the storage pool currently utilized. A ratio of the space used (usedMB) to the total capacity (capacityMB) of the storage pool.


The fullness of the storage pool relative to the fullness of the rest of the cluster. Possible values are OverUsed, AboveAverage, Average, BelowAverage, and UnderUsed. For more information, see Monitoring storage pool space usage below.


The amount of data (in MB) that the disk space balancer is currently moving into a storage pool.


The amount of data (in MB) that the disk space balancer is currently moving out of a storage pool.

topology The topology of the node hosting the storage pool.
lastHeartBeatSec The time of the last heartbeat of the node fileserver with CLDB.
inTransitContainers The number of containers being moved into the storage pool.
outTransitContainers The number of containers being moved out of the storage pool.
label The label of the sotrage pool.

The command returns the following fields only if the disk space balancer actively moves one or more containers when the command is run.




The unique ID number of the container.


The amount of data (in MB) being moved.

From fsid

The FSID (file server ID number) of the source file server.

From IP:Port

The IP address and port number of the source node.

From SP

The SPID (storage pool ID) of the source storage pool.

To fsid

The FSID (file server ID number) of the destination file server.

To IP:Port

The IP address and port number of the destination node.


The SPID (storage pool ID number) of the destination storage pool.


Monitoring storage pool space usage

You can use the maprcli dump balancerinfo command to monitor space usage on storage pools.

 maprcli dump balancerinfo -json

When using a self-signed certificate, pass the -k option to curl to avoid the certificate check.
curl -k -u <username> -X GET https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/dump/balancerinfo"

Tracking active container moves

Using the maprcli dump balancerinfo command, you can monitor the activity of the disk space balancer. The command returns information about the source and destination storage pools whenever active container moves occur.

# maprcli dump balancerinfo -json
           "From fsid":8081858704500413174,
           "From IP:Port":"",
           "From SP":"9e649bf0ac6fb9f7004fa19d20rstuvw",
           "To fsid":3770844641152008527,
           "To IP:Port":"",
           "To SP":"fefcc342475f0286004fad963flmnopq"

The example shows that a container (7840) is being moved from a storage pool on node to a storage pool on node

You can use the storage pool IDs (SPIDs) to search the CLDB and file system logs for activity (balancer moves, container moves, creates, deletes, etc.) related to specific storage pools.