s3gns httpsmode

S3gns subcommand to set the httpsmode for the S3 client - S3 server communication via Data Fabric.

Data Fabric acts as the intermediary between a S3 client and an external S3 server that is added to the cluster group/imported into the global namespace from the Data Fabric UI.

S3 Client-External S3 Server Communication

S3 clients requests for access to external S3 servers in a clustergroup are routed via Data Fabric. Data Fabric forwards requests coming from S3 clients to the external S3 server. The responses from the external S3 server are transported back to the requesting S3 clients via Data Fabric. The forwarding mechanism that happens during the S3 client-external S3 server communication via Data Fabric consumes CPU and memory resources on Data Fabric. This can impact the Data Fabric performance, depending on the use case for frequency of communication between the S3 client and external S3 server.

Currently, there is no performance benchmark available on Data Fabric performance for S3 client-external S3 server communication.

S3 Client - Native S3 Server Communication

Data Fabric can work in redirection mode for S3 client-native S3 server communication with the clustergroup s3gns command. Data Fabric redirects an incoming S3 client request made to a native S3 server on another fabric in the same global namespace. Once the redirection is successful,the communication between the S3 client and the native S3 server on the other fabric takes place directly. In case of redirection, there is no impact on Data Fabric performance.

Some S3 clients such as the AWS client and the latest versions of minio client do not support the HTTPS redirect error. For such clients, you can use the forward mode.

Forward mode is the default and all clients should work with this mode.


maprcli clustergroup s3gns
   -httpsmode either forward OR redirect.In forward mode server sends the cross fabric request, while in redirect mode client.  
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter Description


(Required) The mode of operation - either forward (default) or redirect.


Redirect mode

Sets the mode of operation to redirect.

maprcli clustergroup s3gns -httpsmode redirect
        "timeofday":"2024-01-16 05:30:35.609 GMT-0800 AM",

                "Successfully executed s3gns command"
curl -u <username> -X POST https://server.sj.us:8443/rest/clustergroup/s3gns?httpsmode=redirect