Creating a Local Repository on SLES

Describes how to create and use a local repository for SLES.

  1. Ensure that you have access to the HPE internet repository so that you can download package files. For more information, see Accessing the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.
  2. On the machine where you will set up the repository, log in as root or use sudo.
  3. Create the following directory if it does not exist: /var/www/html/zypper/base
  4. On a computer that is connected to the internet, download the following files, substituting the appropriate <version> and <datestamp>:<version>/suse/mapr-<version>GA.rpm.tgz<version>/suse/mapr-mep-<version>-<datestamp>.rpm.tgz
  5. Copy the files to /var/www/html/zypper/base on the node, and extract them there:
    tar -xvzf mapr-<version>GA.rpm.tgz
    tar -xvzf mapr-mep-<version>-<datestamp>.rpm.tgz
  6. Create the base repository headers:
    createrepo /var/www/html/zypper/base
  7. When finished, verify the content of the new /var/www/html/zypper/base/repodata directory:
    filelists.xml.gz, other.xml.gz, primary.xml.gz, repomd.xml