Obtaining Refresh Tokens with Browser

Describes how to get a refresh token from a private web browsing window.

You can get a refresh token from a private browsing window. When you get a refresh token from the browser, the token is provided in a refresh-token.txt file that the browser downloads. The token in the text file is an "offline" token that remains valid if the token is used once every thirty days. You can use the refresh token to generate access tokens.

Obtaining a Refresh Token from the Browser

To get a refresh token from a browser:
  1. Open a private browsing or incognito browser window and enter the following URL:
    UA_DOMAIN is the variable for the cluster DNS domain. For example, if the cluster DNS domain is my-aie.com, then the UA_DOMAIN is my-aie.com.
  2. Enter your Unified Analytics user credentials.

    Upon successful authentication and cluster access, the browser triggers the download of the refresh-token.txt file that contains a current refresh token.

  3. (Optional) Use the refresh token to generate access tokens. See Using Refresh Tokens.

For information about token lifetimes, including how to customize token lifetimes, see Changing Auth Token Settings in Keycloak.