tier info

Retrieves information about a tier.


$ maprcli tier info
    -name <tier_name>
    [ -cluster <cluster_name> ]
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
cluster The name of the cluster on which to run the command.
name The name of the tier.


The command returns the following:

volume The name of the volume associated with the tier.
tiertype The type of tier. Value can be one of the following:
  • cold
  • ectier
tierid The ID of the tier.
dbtopology The topology of the volume associated with the tier.
dbvolumeid The ID of the volume associated with the tier.
tiername The name of the tier.
bucketname The name of the bucket. The value is displayed for cold tiers only.
region The region. The value is displayed for cold tiers only.
objectstoretype The type of object store (for cold tiers only). Value can be one of the following:
  • S3-GCS
  • S3-HDS
  • S3-IBM
  • S3-Others
  • Azure-Blobs
url The tier URL. The value is displayed for cold tiers only.


Retrieve information about a warm tier:

# maprcli tier info -name testWarm
volume                       tiertype  dbtopology  dbvolumeid  tierid    tiername  
mapr.internal.tier.testWarm  ectier    /data       201186661   74117928  testWarm 
# curl -X GET 'https://server.sj.us:8443/rest/tier/info?name=testWarm' --user <username>:<password>
{"timestamp":1530987914127,"timeofday":"2018-07-07 11:25:14.127 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"tierid":"74117928","tiername":"testWarm","tiertype":"ectier","volume":"mapr.internal.tier.testWarm","dbtopology":"/data","dbvolumeid":201186661}]}

Retrieve information about a cold tier:

# maprcli tier info -name testCold
volume                       tiertype  dbtopology  dbvolumeid  tierid    tiername  bucketname  region     objectstoretype  url            
mapr.internal.tier.testCold  cold      /data       13372843    49971858  testCold  testbucket  us-east-1  S3-AWS           http://s3.amazon.com 
# curl -k -X GET 'https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/tier/info?name=testCold' --user mapr:mapr
{"timestamp":1530987683808,"timeofday":"2018-07-07 11:21:23.808 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":1,"data":[{"tierid":"49971858","tiername":"testCold","tiertype":"cold","url":"http://s3.amazon.com","bucketname":"testbucket","region":"us-east-1","volume":"mapr.internal.tier.testCold","dbtopology":"/data","dbvolumeid":13372843,"objectstoretype":"S3-AWS"}]}