tier move

Moves a tier metadata volume to the specified topology. The command can be used to move a metadata volume to faster storage nodes for performance improvement of tier operations, or to move a metadata volume to less occupied nodes in the cluster.


maprcli tier move
[ -cluster cluster_name ]
 -name <tier name>
 -dbtopology <db topology>
curl -X POST 'https://<host>:<port>/rest/tier/move?name=<tier_name>&dbtopology=<rack_path_of_destination_db_volume_topology>'


To move a tier metadata volume to the specified topology.
maprcli tier move
[ -cluster <cluster_name> ]
  -name <tier_name>
  -dbtopology <path> 


Parameter Description
cluster The name of the cluster on which to run the command.
name The name of the tier to move to the specified topology.
dbtopology The rack path of the volume to which the tier is to be moved. The default value of the volume rack path is /data.


There is no output when the command runs successfully.


Move tier, 'ec_tier' to the topology having topology rack path as '/rack_a/mip.storage.abccorp.net'.

# maprcli tier move -name ec_tier -dbtopology /rack_a/mip.storage.abccorp.net
"timeofday":"2022-09-08 05:06:14.428 GMT-0700 AM"
"messages":"moved tier successfully"
# curl -X POST --user <username> 'https://apiserver.mip.storage.abccorp.net:8443/rest/tier/move?name=ec_tier&dbtopology=/rack_a/mip.storage.abccorp.net' 
{"timestamp":1662638774428,"timeofday":"2022-09-08 05:06:14.428 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":0,"data":[],"messages":["moved tier successfully"]}