Modifying the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Configuration Files

Describes how to access and edit the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric files that Unified Analytics generates when you configure a data source connection that authenticates to HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric via MAPRSASL.

Unified Analytics stores the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster details and impersonation ticket in configuration files in the following directory:
If you modify these files, you must restart the EzPresto pods in the Unified Analytics cluster for the changes to take effect. Restarting the pods removes the in-memory cached configuration.

Modifying the Configuration Files

  1. To connect to the primary ezpresto pod, run the following command:
    kubectl exec -i -t -n ezpresto ezpresto-sts-mst-0  -- bash 
  2. In the /etc/presto/catalog/maprconf directory, modify and save the configuration files.
    • Do not enter blank or empty lines in the files.
    • Only one entry per HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster is allowed in the configuration files.
  3. Restart the ezpresto pods:
    kubectl rollout restart statefulset -n ezpresto ezpresto-sts-mst 
    kubectl rollout restart statefulset -n ezpresto ezpresto-sts-wrk