GPU Resource Management

Describes the GPU idle reclaim policy used for GPU resource management.

GPU resource management enables you to optimize the analytical workloads by distributing the GPU resources to various workloads so that each workload receives the necessary computing power.

HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software implements the GPU idle reclaim feature to maximize GPU utilization by dynamically allocating and deallocating resources to different frameworks and workloads as needed. This prevents overallocation and underutilization of the GPU resources and increases efficiency.

GPU resource management uses a priority policy to ensure that critical workloads get the resources they need. The priority policy also allows lower-priority workloads to utilize the GPU when it is available.

When a workload or framework is finished using its GPU resources, HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software initiates GPU resource reclamation. This involves deallocating the resources and making them available for other workloads.

Custom Scheduler

HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software runs its own scheduler which functions independently and is not connected to the default Kubernetes scheduler.

Note that the default Kubernetes scheduler is still available alongside this custom scheduler. The custom scheduler is an enhanced version of the default Kubernetes scheduler that includes the GPU idle reclaim plugins and the preemption tolerance.

The custom scheduler plugin governs all GPU workloads and is installed in the hpe-scheduler-plugins namespace. This namespace consists of a controller and a scheduler module. The scheduler is responsible for scheduling and reclaiming.

There are two pods in the scheduler namespace. They are scheduler-plugins-controller-dc8fbd68-2plns and scheduler-plugins-scheduler-5c9c5579cb-xz48q. To view details of the GPU reclamation and pod preemption, see the logs for the scheduler-plugins-scheduler-5c9c5579cb-xz48q pod.

To see the logs, run:
kubectl logs -f scheduler-plugins-scheduler-5c9c5579cb-xz48q -n hpe-scheduler-plugins

Custom Scheduler Configurations

HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software sets the default configurations for the tools and frameworks supporting GPU workloads so that the custom scheduler is used by default. The following tools and frameworks support GPU workloads:
  • Kubeflow
  • Spark
  • Livy
  • Ray
Every GPU workload for Kubeflow, Spark, Livy, Ray, and HPE MLDE has the following configurations set as part of the pod spec to use the custom scheduler by default.
  • schedulerName: scheduler-plugins-scheduler
  • priorityClass: <app_name>-<component_name>-gpu
    • For example,
      • For Kubeflow notebooks: kubeflow-notebook-gpu
      • For Spark: spark-gpu (Note: There is no component name for Spark)

Only pods with their spec.schedulerName set to scheduler-plugins-scheduler are considered for reclaiming.

Do not modify these configurations for the GPU reclamation. If your GPU pod spec is not set to scheduler-plugins-scheduler, the default Kubernetes scheduler will operate instead of the custom scheduler.

The scheduler runs a cron job every 5-10 minutes. Every 5-10 minutes, the scheduler looks at the running pods and determines the feasibility of reclaiming pods based on their GPU usage and the annotation values set in the priority class attached to the pod. If the pod is eligible for preemption, the GPU is reclaimed, and the pending pods are granted resources. Pods without any GPU usage or idle pods grant their resources to the pending pods.
Workloads with an idle GPU will not be preempted unless there is a pending request from another workload for GPU.

GPU Configurations

In HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software, you can configure the priority level and idle time threshold from the GPU Control Panel screen. However, you cannot configure the toleration seconds and GPU usage threshold for workloads.

To learn more about the GPU control panel, see Configuring GPU Idle Reclaim.

Priority class and priority level

HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software attaches priority classes as pod specs to the deployed pods to prioritize pods. The priority class has a number called priority level that determines the importance of a pod.

The custom scheduler determines the priority based on this priority level. The default priority level for all pods is 8000.

You can set the priority level from 8000 to 10000 where 8000 is the lowest priority level and 10000 is the highest priority level. You can update the priority level for your applications and workloads from the GPU Control Panel screen.

Idle time threshold

You can also set the idle time threshold for a GPU from the GPU Control Panel screen. The idle time threshold is the maximum amount of time the GPU can remain idle without running any workloads. If a GPU remains idle for a duration exceeding this threshold, the GPU on those workloads can be reclaimed to make the GPU available for other workloads.

Toleration seconds

Toleration seconds is the minimum number of seconds the pod or workload needs to run before it can be preempted. The default toleration seconds is set to 300 seconds.

GPU usage threshold

The GPU usage threshold is the level of GPU utilization. The default usage threshold is set to 0.0. If any pod has a GPU usage of greater than 0 in the last 300 seconds, it cannot be preempted. For any pods to be preempted, the usage must be 0.0.