volume compact

Runs the compactor to remove recalled data on the Data Fabric cluster or stale data on the tier.

Permissions Required

The user running the command must have one of the following:

  • Full control (fc) on the cluster or volume
  • Volume edit permissions


maprcli volume compact
	[ -cluster <cluster_name> ]
	 -name <vol_name> 
	 [ -forcerecallexpiry true|false ]
Request Type POST
Request URL




cluster The name of the cluster on which to run the command.
forcerecallexpiry Specifies whether (true) or not (false) to purge recalled data on the Data Fabric cluster. If the command is run with the value for this set to true, the compactor purges recalled data on the Data Fabric cluster whether or not the expiry time for recalled data has been reached. If this is not specified or if the value for this is false, the compactor purges stale data on the tier and recalled data on the Data Fabric cluster if the expiry time for recalled data has been reached or has passed. The default value is false.
name The name of the volume.


Remove stale data on the tier for the volume named sampleVol:

# maprcli volume compact -name sampleVol -json
	"timeofday":"2018-06-06 08:39:35.917 GMT-0700 AM",
		"Successfully started compaction."
# curl -k -X POST 'https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/volume/compact?name=sampleVol' --user mapr:mapr
{"timestamp":1528299575917,"timeofday":"2018-06-06 08:39:35.917 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":0,"data":[],"messages":["Successfully started compaction."]}

Remove recalled data immediately on the volume named sampleVol:

# maprcli volume compact -name sampleVol -forcerecallexpiry true -json
	"timeofday":"2018-06-06 08:42:45.110 GMT-0700 AM",
		"Successfully started compaction."
# curl -X POST 'https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/volume/compact?name=sampleVol&forcerecallexpiry=true' --user <username>:<password>
{"timestamp":1528299765110,"timeofday":"2018-06-06 08:42:45.110 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":0,"data":[],"messages":["Successfully started compaction."]}