volume snapshot list

Displays info about a set of snapshots.

You can specify the snapshots by volumes or paths, or by specifying a filter to select volumes with certain characteristics.


/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli volume snapshot list
    [ -cluster <cluster name> ]
    [ -columns <fields> ]
    ( -filter <filter> ] 
    [ -path <volume path list> ] 
    [ -volume <volume list> ]
    [ -limit <rows> ]
    [ -output (terse|verbose) ]
    [ -start <offset> ]
Request Type GET
Request URL


Either volume or path can be used if you wish the specify the snapshots. In addition, filter can be used with volume and path, or independently.

Parameter Description
cluster The cluster on which to run the command.
columns A comma-separated list of fields to return in the query. See the Fields table below. Default: none
filter A filter specifying snapshots to list. See Filters for more information.
limit The number of rows to return, beginning at start. Default: 2147483647
output Specifies whether the output should be terse or verbose. Default: verbose
path A comma-separated list of paths for which to list snapshots.
start The offset from the starting row. Default: 0
volume A comma-separated list of volumes for which to list snapshots.


The following table lists the fields used in the columns parameter, and returned as output.

Field Name Short Name Description
snapshotid id Unique snapshot ID.
sharedSize shSz Size of data (in MB) that the snapshot shares with previous snapshots.
volumename vn Name of the read-write volume associated with the snapshot.
ownername on Owner (user or group) associated with the volume.
cumulativeReclaimSizeMB cs Disk space (in MB) used/owned by the snapshot
snapshotname n Snapshot name.
ownedsize owSz Size of data (in MB) owned by a snapshot, as opposed to sharedSize (owned by previous snapshots).
ownertype ot Owner type for the owner of the volume:
  • 0=user
  • 1=group
volumeid vid ID of the volume associated with the snapshot.
creationtime ct Snapshot creation time. Date time string (verbose output) or milliseconds since 1970 (terse output).
volumepath vp Path to the volume associated with the snapshot.
expirytime et The time until which the snapshot should be maintained. Expired snapshots are purged (deleted) periodically. Date time string (verbose output), or milliseconds since 1970 (terse output); 0 = never expires.
volumeSnapshotAces N/A Access Control Expression (ACE) permissions for read and write on the volume snapshot. Use -json to view the ACE permissions.


This sample output is based on using the following code to create a snapshot called uservolume for the volume named users.

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli volume snapshot create -snapshotname uservolsnap -volume users

Sample Output


List all snapshots:

maprcli volume snapshot list 
curl -X GET 'https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/volume/snapshot/list' --user <username>:<password>
{"timestamp":1537984492448,"timeofday":"2018-09-26 10:54:52.448 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":3,"data":[{"ownername":"mapr","ownertype":"1","volumeid":"29379677","volumename":"egVol","volumepath":"/egVol","snapshotid":"256000049","snapshotname":"egVol-snapshot","creationtime":"Wed Sep 26 10:42:52 PDT 2018","cumulativeReclaimSizeMB":"0","ownedsize":"0","sharedSize":"0","volumeSnapshotAces":{"readAce":"p","writeAce":"p"}},{"ownername":"mapr","ownertype":"1","volumeid":"212450174","volumename":"users","volumepath":"/user","snapshotid":"256000051","snapshotname":"uservolsnap","creationtime":"Wed Sep 26 10:45:27 PDT 2018","cumulativeReclaimSizeMB":"0","ownedsize":"0","sharedSize":"0","volumeSnapshotAces":{"readAce":"p","writeAce":"p"}},{"ownername":"mapr","ownertype":"1","volumeid":"29379677","volumename":"egVol","volumepath":"/egVol","snapshotid":"256000050","snapshotname":"egVolSnapshot","creationtime":"Wed Sep 26 10:43:12 PDT 2018","cumulativeReclaimSizeMB":"0","ownedsize":"0","sharedSize":"0","volumeSnapshotAces":{"readAce":"p","writeAce":"p"}}]} 

List all snapshots and format the output:

maprcli volume snapshot list -json