volume dump show

Evaluates the validity of a dump file. The command can be run before restoring a dump file to ensure that a valid dump file is being restored.


maprcli volume dump show  
-dumpfile dumpfilename
[-dumpCid cid_num]    
The maprcli volume dump show command output contains the dump file details. Check the end of the output to verify if the dump file is valid or corrupted.
A valid dump file contains the following text at the end of the maprcli volume dump show command output.
Dump Successful cids: {<cid1>, <cid2>,...<cidn>}
Dump Failed Cids: {}
A corrupted dump file contains the following text at the end of the maprcli volume dump show command output.
Dump Cids(having corrupted records): {<cid1>, <cid2>,...<cidn>} ***** InValid DumpFile *****
You can use a valid dump file to restore a volume. You cannot restore a corrupted dump file. InValid DumpFile in the maprcli volume dump show command output indicates that the dump file is corrupted.


Parameter Description
dumpfile The name of the dump file
dumpCid The Container ID or cid for which details are to be printed from the dump file


Check validity of dump file
maprcli volume dump show -dumpfile <dump file name> 
Show specified CID details from dump file
maprcli volume dump show -dumpfile <dump filename> -dumpCid <dumpCid>