volume container move

Moves a container. Permissions required: fc or m on the volume.

The volume container move command moves a specified container (cid) from a source file server (fromfileserver) to a destination file server (tofileserver). If the tofileserver parameter is not specified, a destination file server is chosen by the CLDB. If the tofileserver is specified but does not exist, the command fails with an error. If the fromfileserver does not exist or is down, the container move occurs once the source file server comes back up.


volume container move 
    -cid <cid>  
    -fromfileserverid <fromfileserverid> 
    [ -tofileserverid <tofileserverid> ]
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter Description
cid The container ID.
fromfileserverid The ID of the file server on which the container to be moved currently resides. The ID is available from the maprcli node list command.
tofileserverid The ID of the file server to which to move the container. If not specified, a file server is chosen by the CLDB. The ID is available from the maprcli node list command.


maprcli volume container move -cid 2316 -fromfileserverid 5227152973904547710 -tofileserverid 875290643748357753

curl -X POST 'https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/volume/container/move?cid=2316&fromfileserverid=5227152973904547710&tofileservicerid=875290643748357753' --user <username>:<password>