About Tags

Tags are a way to identify hosts with labels that enable HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise features.

This article uses the term host to denote Kubernetes hosts and Data Fabric cluster nodes, except if noted.

For reference information about host tags, see Default Host Tags.

General information about tags:

  • There are two main types of tags: default host tags and user-defined tags. Default host tags are included in HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise and are described in Default Host Tags. You do not have to create default host tags because those tags already exist in the configuration. However, user-defined tags require you to define both the name of the tag and valid values. See Adding a New Tag.
  • You assign tags to a host either when the host is added to HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise, or by updating tags for the existing host.

Working with Tags

This section outlines the general process of creating and using tags. You do not have to create default host tags because those tags already exist in the configuration. The process is as follows:

  1. Create a tag using the Tags screen, as described in The Tags Screen and Adding a New Tag; tags may also be updated (see Updating Tags for a Host). Tag names are arbitrary and may include special characters or spaces.
  2. Associate the tags with one or more hosts, and then specify the tag values for each host, as described in Assigning Tags to a Host. Values are arbitrary; however, the best practice is to assign consistent values to each tag. For example, you could use the cpu tag to:
    • Specify whether a host has high-performance CPUs installed by assigning yes and no values. In this case, you may not want to assign values regarding a specific CPU type.
    • Specify the specific type of CPU installed by assigning values such as xeon8180 or ryzen1950x. In this case, you may not want to assign values regarding whether a high-performance CPU is installed.
    • You may also assign unique values to each host. For example, you could assign the value xeon_1 to the cpu tag for Host_A, then assign the value xeon_2 to Host_B, xeon_3 for Host_C, and so on.