Default Host Tags

This page lists and describes the default system host tags in the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise. Default host tags are tags that are available by default when HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise is deployed. Some of these host tags enable functions or features or affect how the host can be used. Other default host tags are informational and can be used for things like creating tenant or project constraints.

This article uses the term host to denote Kubernetes hosts and Data Fabric cluster nodes, except if noted.

The following is a list of default host tags, including information on allowed tag values, host conditions, and host restrictions:


The datacenter tag indicates that the host or node is in a certain datacenter. You can apply the datacenter tag with different values to Compute hosts or Data Fabric nodes, and the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise will attempt to place resources, such as clusters, across various data centers for added redundancy.

  • Allowed tag values: This tag must be 63 characters or less. It must be empty or begin and end with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.
  • Host state conditions or restrictions: none


When set to yes, YES, true, or TRUE, the datafabric tag denotes that the host is to be used for storage for storage in an HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes cluster.

  • Allowed tag values: true, TRUE, yes, YES.
  • Host state conditions or restrictions:
    • This tag can only be set when the host is added to the platform initially.
    • This tag cannot be deleted or changed.


Hosts with the istio-ingressgateway tag set to true will function as Istio Ingress Gateway in Kubernetes clusters that have Istio enabled. See Creating a New Kubernetes Cluster, Creating a New Data Fabric Cluster, and Istio.

  • Allowed tag values: true, false.
  • Host state conditions or restrictions: this tag cannot be set, updated, or deleted when the host is part of a cluster.


The rack tag indicates that the host or node is in a certain rack.

  • Allowed tag values: This tag must be 63 characters or less. It must be empty or begin and end with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.
  • Host state conditions or restrictions: none.


When set to true, the falco tag indicates that the Falco Container Security detection service is enabled for this Kubernetes node.

  • Allowed tag values: true, false
  • Host state conditions or restrictions:
    • The falco tag is currently not enforced on 5.4.x
    • The user may install/uninstall the Falco driver at any host state manually.
    • This tag is set with a value of true by bd_mgmt when the Falco driver module is loaded and detected on the host during host install.
    • This tag can only be set/changed after a host is added (phase 1 host installation).
    • This tag can only be set to true if the Falco driver module is loaded on the host.
    • This tag can be deleted or set to false at any host state when the host is not in the process of being configured.