Viewing Model Information
This topic describes viewing model information in HPE Ezmeral ML Ops, including model details, logs, events, and deployment events.
Required access rights: Project Administrator or Project Member
- Navigate to the project in the new UI, as described in HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise new UI.
Select View All on the Deployed
Models panel. The Deployed Models screen
From the Deployed Models screen, the following
information is available.
- To filter models based on their deployment status and the user who
created the model, select the Status column. The
Filters side drawer opens:
- The Model Details side drawer displays all
instances of a model and their container statuses.
To open the Model Details side drawer:
- Open the action items dropdown menu, and
select View Details.
- The Model Details side drawer
- To display detailed information about a deployed model
pod, hover your pointing device over the pod
- To view detailed restart information for a pod, hover
your pointing device over the
Restarts column on a pod
- To display detailed information about a deployed model
pod, hover your pointing device over the pod
- From the Model Details side drawer, you
can open the action items dropdown to
access the following information:
- The View Logs side drawer
displays logs for a model.
- The View Events window displays a
log of events for a model.
- The View Conditions window
displays a list of conditions of the deployed pods of a
- If a model does not start because of resource issues,
you can view a table of deployment events for a
- The View Logs side drawer
displays logs for a model.
- Open the action items dropdown menu, and
select View Details.
- To filter models based on their deployment status and the user who
created the model, select the Status column. The
Filters side drawer opens: