The Guestconfig.log shows kinit
Cannot contact any KDC for realm <KDC Realm name> while
getting initial credential .
- Validate proper KDC configuration by creating a non-Kerberized
cluster, and then Kerberize the cluster manually. Consider using
a generic utility cluster.
Create a RHEL
utility node, and then update krb5.conf ,
kadmin.acl , and
kdc.conf with the correct KDC
information, and then restart these two services by
executing the following commands:
/sbin/service krb5kdc start
/sbin/service kadmin start
Once the services have restarted, perform either a kinit or ktutil , which should connect to
the KDC server.
Please see this article for details on
setting up the KDC configuration (link opens an external website in
a new browser tab/window).