Using the CSI

Deploying HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric for Kubernetes automatically configures the HPE Container Storage Interface (CSI) plug-in as the default Storage Class. Your application pod can then set up PV/PVC to connect to the CSI plug-in. See the CSI Overview in the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric documentation (link opens in new browser window or tab).

For information about the CSI driver versions supported on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes for this release of HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise, see Support Matrixes.

If desired, you may alternatively use a non-HPE local persistent-volume CSI provided by a third party. If you do this, HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise complies with how OSS Kubernetes works with that CSI.

Types of HPE CSI Plug-In Drivers

HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise allows you to choose from two types of HPE CSI plugins:
  • FUSE binary driver. This is the default plug-in.
  • Loopback NFS driver.

Both plug-ins are functionally the same and offer similar performance. The Loopback NFS driver is newer.

Both plug-ins can be used on bare metal implementations of HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric and on implementations of HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise.

Both plug-ins support Raw Block Volumes (link opens in new browser window or tab).

HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise automatically creates the Kubernetes storage class for each CSI when the Kubernetes cluster is created. The default storage class is the FUSE version, but you can choose to use either CSI version when creating the PV/PVC.

More Information About CSI

For information about CSI, see the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric documentation (links open in a new browser window or tab):