Kafka REST Example CR and Field Descriptions

The following example from private-kubernetes/examples/picasso14/dataplatform/full.yaml shows the kafkarest pod:
  nfs: true 
  mast: true
    image: objectstore-2.0.0:202101192115C
    count: 1
    image: kafkarest-5.1.2:202101192115C 
    sshport: 5015
    requestcpu: "2000m" 
    limitcpu: "8000m" 
    requestmemory: 4Gi 
    limitmemory: 4Gi 
    requestdisk: 20Gi 
    limitdisk: 30Gi 
    loglevel: INFO
The following table describes the fields in the kafkarest example:
Name Description
count Number of kafkarest pod instances.
image Image name and tag.
sshport Node port to use for external SSH requests.
requestcpu Reserved pod CPU amount, in the format ([1 - 9][0-9]+m). For example: 2000m.
limitcpu Maximum pod CPU, in the format ([1 - 9][0-9]+m). For example: 8000m.
requestmemory Reserved pod memory amount, in the format ([1 - 9]+Gi). For example: 4Gi.
limitmemory Maximum pod memory amount, in the format ([1- 9]+Gi).For example: 4Gi.
requestdisk Reserved pod ephemeral storage space. Default is 20Gi.
limitdisk Maximum pod ephemeral storage space. Default is 30Gi.
loglevel Log level for the pod container. Value can be ERROR, CODE, INFO (default), or DEBUG. ERROR shows the least detail, while DEBUG shows the most detail.