Kafka REST Service Endpoints for Internal and External Clients

Kafka REST Service Endpoints for Internal Clients

Internal clients started on the Kubernetes pods can communicate with the Kafka REST Proxy using kafkarest-svc port 8082.

For example:
$ curl -<username>:<password> https://kafkarest-svc.<domain-name>:8082/<uri-path> --cacert <truststore-file-path>/ssl_truststore.pem

The default value of <truststore-file-path> is /opt/mapr/conf/. You can customize this value.

The ssl_truststore.pem file is automatically generated during the cluster installation process. For internal clients, /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_truststore.pem is already mounted. Administrators can customize the path and file content.

Kafka REST Service Endpoints for External Clients

External clients started outside of the Kubernetes cluster can communicate with the Kafka RESTful API using worker nodes hostname port 31882.

For example:
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME          STATUS    ROLES     AGE      VERSION
master.lab    Ready     master    6d22h    v1.18.6
worker1.lab   Ready     worker    6d22h    v1.18.6
worker2.lab   Ready     worker    6d22h    v1.18.6

$ curl -<username>:<password> https://worker1.lab.<domain-name>:31882/<uri-path> --cacert <truststore-file-path>/ssl_truststore.pem

The default value of <truststore-file-path> is determined by the location of the truststore file. You can customize this value.

The ssl_truststore.pem file is automatically generated during the cluster installation process. For external clients, you can retrieve the truststore from a Cluster Administrator.