Support Bundles Tab

Describes the Support Bundles tab of the Support/Troubleshooting screen.

This feature is not available for HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise deployments that are running SLES. Please see Collecting Support Bundles for instructions.

The Support Bundles tab of the Support/Troubleshooting screen (see The Support/Troubleshooting Screen) enables you to create, delete, and download support bundles to help you troubleshoot problems.

If you contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support, you might be requested to forward a support bundle for support purposes. You may either:

  • Upload the support bundle directly from the Support Bundles tab.
  • Download the support bundle to your computer and forward it to Hewlett Packard Enterprise by other means.

To upload a support bundle, your deployment must have both of the following:

  • Internet access, either directly or through a proxy.
  • DNS service that can resolve references to Internet addresses.

The Support Bundles table contains the following information for all currently available support bundles:

  • File Name: Name of the support bundle file.
  • File Size (MB): Size of the file in megabytes.
  • Status: Status of the support bundle. Status is one of the following:
    • Generating: The support bundle is being created.
    • Ready: The support bundle is ready for download or upload.
    • Uploading: The support bundle is being uploaded to Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The report can be downloaded, but not deleted.
    • Uploaded: The most recent attempt to upload the support bundle to Hewlett Packard Enterprise succeeded. You may download, re-upload, or delete this report.
    • Upload failed: The most recent attempt to upload the support bundle to Hewlett Packard Enterprise failed. You may download, re-upload, or delete this report.
    • Error: The support bundle is in an unknown state that is probably corrupted. You may delete this report.
  • Action: You can perform the following actions for each available support bundle:
    • Download: Clicking the Download icon (envelope) opens an OS-default Download window that enables you to retrieve the selected support bundle.
    • Delete: Clicking the Delete icon (trash can) deletes the selected support bundle. A popup warning appears asking you to confirm or cancel the action. To proceed, click OK. To exit without deleting the support bundle, click Cancel.
    • Upload: Clicking Upload icon (up arrow) uploads the selected support bundle to Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
It is preferable to raise a support ticket and attach the support bundle to that ticket.

To generate a support bundle, see Generating a Support Bundle. If needed, you may also collect support bundle information from the command line, as described in Collecting Support Bundles.