Uploading and Downloading Files
The Directory Listing area of the DataTap Browser screen contains an expandable tree view of the directories underneath the root directory of the selected DataTap.

In this view:
- Clicking a plus sign (+) next to a directory expands that directory to display the file(s) and sub-directories (if any) under the selected directory.
- Clicking a minus sign (-) next to a directory collapses the view of the file(s) and sub-directories (if any) under the selected directory.
When you are browsing locations within a locally-shared storage service created at
deployment install time, the File/Directory buttons allow you to add, rename, and
remove files and directories. For any other DataTap, the DataTap Browser screen
will allow you to view the file/directory structure and select paths for various UI
purposes. In this case, you will need to upload/download files and/or create/remove
directories from outside the web interface using some native client appropriate for the
storage service. For certain operations (like creating a directory), it may also be
useful to access the DataTap from within a virtual node and then manually perform hadoop fs
operations on it.
From left to right, the File/Directory buttons are:
Selecting a directory and then clicking the Create Directory button (plus sign) opens the Create new directory under /directory window, where /directory is the name of the currently selected directory. Entering a name in the field and then clicking OK creates a new sub-directory and closes the window.
Selecting a directory or file and then clicking the Rename button (pencil) opens the Rename item window, where item is the name of the currently selected directory or file. Entering a name in the field and then clicking OK renames the selected directory or file.
Selecting a directory and then clicking the Upload button (up arrow) opens a standard Upload dialog, which allows you to locate, select, and upload a file to the selected directory. The dialog appearance will vary based on your OS and browser settings.
Selecting a file and then clicking the Download button (down arrow) opens a standard Save As dialog, which allows you to save the selected file to a directory on either your local hard drive or any network storage that you have access to.
Selecting a directory or file and then clicking the Delete button (trash can) deletes the selected directory or file. Deleting a directory also deletes all of the sub-directories and files within that directory, if any.