Accessing the Kubeflow Dashboard
To access the Kubeflow dashboard:
- Verify that the Kubernetes Administrator has installed Kubeflow, as described in Kubeflow Installation.
- Log in to HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise with your LDAP/AD credentials.
- In the main menu, click ML Workbench. See Toolbar and Main Menu -
Kubernetes Tenant Member.
- In the Training and Workflow block, click the
Kubeflow link:
- The Kubeflow dashboard Login screen appears in a new browser
tab. Log in with your AD/LDAP credentials.
- On first time login, HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise prompts you to create a
new profile namespace. Continue to get to the Kubeflow
dashboard screen. From this screen, you can create Tensorboards and
run Experiments, pipelines, and more.