Managing HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes

In this article, the term tenant refers to HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric tenants (formerly '"MapR tenants") and not to Kubernetes tenants unless explicitly noted otherwise on a case-by-case basis.

This article describes managing and accessing the Data Fabric cluster and tenants.

Managing Using the CLIs

You can interact with the Data Fabric cluster via the Command Line Interface (CLI) pods (such as admincli-0) created in the cluster namespace. You can directly access individual pods (such as CLDB), but best practice is to only do this when needed to debug an issue. In the Kubernetes environment:

  • You can access pods via either the kubectl exec command or via SSH, as described in SSH.
  • Pods are ephemeral. Any state created in a pod might disappear.
  • There are two main types of administration pods:
    • The admin CLI pod in the Data Fabric cluster namespace.
    • Tenant CLI pods in the individual tenant namespaces.

Admin CLI Pod

This pod is suitable for runningmaprcli commands commands and data-loading scripts (link opens in a new browser tab/window).HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Cluster Administrators should access the admin CLI (admincli-0) pod in the dataplatform namespace.

For example, you can access the admin CLI pod by using kubectl in the Kubernetes Web Terminal:

  1. Get the value of the namespace:
    kubectl get pods -A | grep -e admincli-0 -e NAMESPACE

    The value of the namespace is returned.

  2. The default name of the admin CLI pod is adminicli-0. Access the admin CLI pod using a kubectl exec command:
    kubectl exec -it admincli-0 -n <namespace> -- /bin/bash

Tenant CLI Pod

Kubernetes Tenant Member users can generate tickets or start Spark jobs via the tenant CLI Terminal pod provided in most tenant namespaces. Kubernetes Tenant Administrator users can use the tenant CR to disable this pod.

Accessing the Data Fabric Cluster

There are several ways to access the Data Fabric cluster, filesystem, and other installed components:

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Control System

You can access the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Control System (MCS) in your internal environment by clicking the Data Fabric Managed Control System link for the Data Fabric cluster in the Kubernetes Clusters screen.

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Control System provides less information in a Kubernetes environment than in a bare-metal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric environment. The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Control System also allows you to manage all aspects of a cluster and provides node-specific data-management features in the bare-metal environment.


You can use SSH to log in to a container and gather information. By default, all containers come up with SSH running.

  • Internal SSH Access: SSH is available to Port 22 in every Data Fabric cluster container. Within a cluster, you can SSH from one container to another without specifying a port.
  • External SSH Access: You must provide the sshport and hostname to access a container from outside the cluster. If the sshport is already defined, you can find that port in the CR for the container. You can understand with following example.

    Following example is for grafana service:
    1. To find the port number, use the following command:
      kubectl get services -n mycluster | grep -i grafana
      Example of the result:
      grafana-svc NodePort <none> 3000:31755/TCP
      The number after the colon is the port number. In this case, 31755 is the port number for grafana service.
    2. To access the service:
      • Access the login page, using the following URL format:
        https://<ip address of cluster node>:31755
      • On the login page, enter the username and password.

        For information about how to get the username and password for the mapr user, see Data Fabric Cluster Administrator Username and Password.

    The preceding example is for grafana service. The same procedure can be applied to other services, such as Kibana. To find the port number for any service, enter that service in <sevice name> in the following command:
    kubectl get services -n mycluster | grep -i <service name>
    To find the list of container services available, execute the following command:
    kubectl get services -n mycluster

To determine the hostname for a container, execute the kubectl get pod command. For example:

kubectl get pod -n mycluster cldb-0 -o wide
NAME    READY    STATUS     RESTARTS    AGE      IP             NODE
cldb-0  1/1      Running    0           3h32m    dev.01.lab

To log in using SSH, specify the external port, your user name, and the host name. For example:

ssh -p 5000 userj@dev.01.lab

Comparing EXEC vs. SSH Access

The kubectl exec command is the easiest way to access a container, however this access occurs as the user the container runs as (typically mapr). This access is useful for Administrators but may include permissions unsuited to non-admin users. You may want to restrict container access to SSH, which only grants users the privileges granted to their current user accounts.


The following APIs grant access to the installed components (link opens in a new browser tab/window):

POSIX Client

You can access the Data Fabric cluster using the POSIX Client via the CSI driver. The CSI driver reports the Kubernetes worker node where the POSIX client is scheduled to run as the POSIX client host. The StorageClass should specify either the IP address of the MCS pod or the webserver service. For example:


External Access to Services

The CLDB object and most services are accessible outside of the cluster, and some include open host ports. You can connect to the corresponding pods without having to run as a pod inside the cluster. In the namespace hpe-externalclusterinfo, the <data-fabric-cluster-name>-external-cm configmap provides information about how to access these services from outside the cluster:

The Data Fabric-hivesite-cm Hivesite configmap, shows the Hivesite information that is available external to the cluster. hpe-externalclusterinfo also provides the secrets needed to connect to the cluster from an external compute tenant that doesn't exist inside the cluster:

Logging and Coredump Directory Structure

The following logs are available:

  • The physical Kubernetes node hosting the pod includes component logs.
  • Data Fabric logs (link opens in a new browser tab or window).

All Data Fabric pods share a parent logging directory path on the node. This path can be configured in the Data Fabric CR. For example:

The platform creates logs in this directory that correspond to each pod under this directory and follow a predefined directory structure. The pods themselves are ephemeral, but all logging directories persist on the physical nodes and can be retrieved later.


The LOGLOCATION , CORELOCATION , and PODLOCATION directories cannot be nested, because this could cause a mount issue. For example, the corelocation directory cannot be nested under either of the other two directories.

Log Format

Logs follow this general format:


For example, a CLDB pod log might look like this:


The log components are:

  • /UserSpecifiedParentDir - Data Fabric CR property. Default is /var/log/mapr/. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends keeping the partition that contains <UserSpecifiedParentDir> separate from the partition that contains /var, to prevent filling the /var partition and risking OS stability/crashes.
  • /ClusterName - Cluster or namespace name.
  • /ClusterCreationTime - Time a specific cluster instance was created. This identifier is used because a cluster name can have multiple lifecycles and different cluster instances can share the cluster name.
  • /PodTypeName - Pod type, such as cldb or mfs.
  • /PodName - Pod name.

The /opt/mapr/cluster_logs directory is volume-mounted to the UserSpecifiedParentDir on the node. This directory is the starting point for all logs on the corresponding physical node. When created, each pod creates its own logging directory following the above rule based on the UserSpecifiedParentDir. This per-pod approach ensures that the same directory won't be recreated if it already exists. Stateful pods that do not change nodes between failures (such as CLDB and mfs) will keep using the same directory after a pod restart.

Most logs for each pod name contain the same content as /opt/mapr/logs because they are replaced with a symlink that points to the logging directory created by each pod. Additional logs (ZooKeeper transactions, collectd, grafana, etc.) are also included here. A symlink is created whenever a pod starts or restarts. A sticky bit ensures that this symlink behaves like a directory from an application perspective.

Coredump Files

The coredump file uses the same logic as logging. A separate directory called opt/cluster_cores is created and mounted to the user-specified core-dump directory in the Data Fabric CR. All core dumps corresponding to each pod follow the same hierarchy as logging. Here again, symlinks replace the original core directory, and a catalog file is added with an imageID where the specific image generates cores.

Spyglass Monitoring with Grafana

You can access Grafana by clicking the Grafana Endpoint link for the Data Fabric cluster in the Kubernetes Clusters screen. See The Kubernetes Clusters Screen.
Grafana Endpoint is not available for Footprint-Optimized configuration.

The Grafana dashboard allows you to monitor the following components:

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Network I/O
  • Swap
  • System Disk IOPS
  • System Disk Throughput
These metrics do not include Data Fabric-specific metrics, which are node-specific and not pod-specific. Metrics are filtered on the CollectD pod's FQDN.

To visualize these metrics in the Grafana dashboard:

  1. To find the node on which the grafana pod is running, execute the following command:

    kubectl get pods -o wide -n <Cluster Name> | grep grafana
    grafana-7c8fcbb86f-58mj4 1/1 Running 0 40h <none> <none>
  2. To get the port that Grafana is listening on, execute the following command:
    kubectl get services -n <Cluster Name> | grep grafana
    grafana-svc NodePort <none> 3000:30486/TCP
    This will be typically in the 30000+ range.
  3. Combine the node IP and port number from Step 1. and Step 2, and build the Grafana dashboard URL:
  4. Launch a browser and navigate to the Grafana dashboard URL:
  5. Log in to the Grafana interface using the system username (default is mapr) and password.
    You can get the password using the following command:
    kubectl get secret system -n <cluster-name> -o yaml | grep MAPR_PASSWORD | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }
    where df is the name of the cluster.
  6. Select Home > Node Dashboard to view the metrics.

The page displays the node resources used by components across pods in the Kubernetes environment.

Kibana Monitoring

You can access Kibana by clicking the Kibana Endpoint link for the Data Fabric cluster in the Kubernetes Clusters screen. See The Kubernetes Clusters Screen.
Kibana Endpoint is not available for Footprint-Optimized configuration.

The default Kibana username is: admin

The default password can be obtained from system secret in the Data Fabric namespace. For example, if the name of the Data Fabric cluster is df, the command to get the password is the following:

kubectl -n df get secret system -o jsonpath="{$.data.MAPR_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d

Managing Storage Pools and File System Instances

The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes supports storage pools and multiple instances of the file system. These features are implemented through the storagepoolsize and storagepoolsperinstance parameters for the diskinfo object in the Data Fabric CR.

  • storagepoolsize - You can use storage pools to group disks and can control the number of disks in a storage pool by adjusting the storagepoolsize value. Each mfs group can have a different storage pool size. A storage pool can have up to 32 drives.
  • storagepoolsperinstance - integer - Number of storage pools that an instance of the file system will manage. The platform launches multiple instances of the file system based on the specified number of storage pools. The default value is 0, which sets the number of storage pools based on internal algorithms. A value greater than 32 generates an error.

Most installations benefit from having both of these parameters set to 0; however, some advanced situations may call for different settings. See diskinfo in MFS Core Object.