Object Store (S3 Gateway) Overview

The object store functionality provided for container-based HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric is similar to the S3 Gateway feature included in the bare-metal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric, which is described in the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric documentation in S3 Gateway (link opens in a new browser tab/window).


To deploy the object store, you must create a Data Fabric cluster as described in Creating a New Data Fabric Cluster, and then deploy that cluster with the object store applied.

When you create a Data Fabric cluster by using the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise GUI, a single ObjectStore Zone is created by default.

This example shows a single zone object-store deployment:

apiVersion: hcp.hpe.com/v1
kind: DataPlatform
  name: dataplatform
  baseimagetag: "202103030809C"
  imageregistry: gcr.io/mapr-252711
  environmenttype: hcp
    - /dev/sdc
    - /dev/sdd
  disableha: true
      failurecount: 0
      failurecount: 0
      count: 1
      count: 1
      imageregistry: gcr.io/mapr-252711
      image: objectstore-2.0.0:202103030809C
        - name: zone1
          count: 1
          size: 10Gi
          fspath: ""
            - hostport: 9000
              nodeport: 31900
          requestcpu: "1000m"
          limitcpu: "4000m"
          requestmemory: 2Gi
          limitmemory: 2Gi
          requestdisk: 20Gi
          limitdisk: 30Gi
          loglevel: INFO

The object-store deployment uses the following fields:

  • imageregistry – Registry where container images are stored.
  • image - Image name and tag.
  • zones - Object store zones.
  • name - Zone name.
  • count - Number of instances in the zone.
  • fspath - Mount folder path, formatted as /mapr/csi-volume/FOLDER_NAME. If this property is not specified, then the path will be automatically set to /mapr/csi-volume/objectstore-ZONE_NAME-svc and will employ the service name for the zone.
  • hostports- Object store node and service port. This value will overwrite the port value from configmap. The default port of the object store, 9000, can cause conflicts with Erlang RPC. In such cases, change the port of the object store to any free port.
  • nodeport - external port on all cluster nodes, which will be used for forwarding requests to Objectstore instances in this zone. If nodeport is not specified, then forwarding from external port will not be configured for this zone.

  • size - size of data fabric volume for Objectstore

  • loglevel - Container logging level. This value will overwrite the loglevel value from configmap.


Configure the object store by preparing a configmap. You can edit the configmap using an editor, such as:

KUBE_EDITOR="nano" kubectl edit configmap objectstore-cm -n dataplatform

For example:

     "fsPath": "/mapr/csi-volume//objectstore-0",
     "deploymentMode": "S3",
     "oldAccessKey": "",
     "oldSecretKey": "",
     "port": "9000",
     "logPath": "/opt/mapr/objectstore-client/objectstore-client-2.0.0/logs/minio.log",
     "logLevel": 4
    rotate 7
        /bin/kill -HUP 'cat /opt/mapr/pid/objectstore.pid 2> /dev/null' 2> /dev/null || true

The minio.json section of the configmap maps your configuration to the pod minio.json file. See S3 Gateway (link opens in a new browser tab/window). Verify that the configmap specifies all object store pods in all zones. Recreate all object store pods after modifying the configmap.


The values of port and logLevel in configmap will be overwritten by the values of hostport and loglevel value from deployment.


The number of object-store instances in a zone can be scaled, as described in Upgrading and Patching the Data Fabric Cluster. The required pods are automatically started or terminated as needed after scaling instances up or down or adding a new zone.

HA Support

Objectstore 2.0.0 supports working in HA mode. Kubernetes makes HA available inside zones, and all pods inside one zone are thus mounted to the same folder. A separate service is created for each zone, and the service FQDN allows access to each instance. To check the services:

kubectl get svc -n dataplatform

Service FQDNs are formatted as follows:


If you use the MinIO client to make any administrative change to the object store configuration (such as adding new users, groups, policies, or notifications), then you must manually restart all instances (re-create pods) to avoid behavior collisions in different instances.


  • All object store zones and pods use one configmap.
  • The fspath property overrides the configmap value. If the fspath property is not set, then the default value for the zone overrides the configmap value.
  • Zone services provide only HA. They do not provide distributed mode and load balancing.
  • The maximum number of object store instances is the same as the number of nodes in the cluster, because each object store requires an open port for listening connections.