User Interface

Provides insights that can help you identify and resolve potential challenges when interacting with the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software UI.

Cannot Sign-In to HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software After Reboot

If you cannot sign in to HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software after the nodes reboot, you may have encountered a Postgres issue that impacts the postgres-keycloak pod. The Postgres issue causes the service pods that interact with the postgres-keycloak pod to get stuck in a CrashLoopBackOff state, which then prevents you from signing in to HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software. Service pods that interact with the postgres-keycloak pod include keycloak, airflow, ezpresto, superset, spire, ezuser, and token-service.


Before you follow the workaround steps, confirm that this is the issue preventing sign-in.

Run the following command to see the keycloak-postgres pod logs:
kubectl -n keycloak logs keycloak-postgresql-0
Check the keycloak-postgres pod logs for the following Postgres error:
PANIC: replication checkpoint has wrong magic …
If you see this Postgres error, complete the following workaround steps to recover Postgres from Keycloak and then restart the pods.
  1. Delete the checkpoint file:
    1. To get the volume name, run:
      VOLUMENAME=$(kubectl -n keycloak get pvc data-keycloak-postgresql-0 -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}')
    2. To get the volume path, run:
      VOLUMEPATH=$(kubectl get pv $VOLUMENAME -o jsonpath='{.spec.csi.volumeAttributes.volumePath}')
    3. To remove the checkpoint file, run:
      kubectl -n dataplatform exec admincli-0 -- hadoop fs -rm -f "$VOLUMEPATH/data/pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint"
  2. Restart the keycloak and oauth2-proxy pods:
    1. To restart the keycloak-postgresql-0 pod, run the following command and then wait for the pod to restart:
      kubectl -n keycloak delete pod keycloak-postgresql-0
    2. To restart the keycloak-0 pod, run the following command and then wait for the pod to restart:
      kubectl -n keycloak delete pod keycloak-0
    3. To restart the oauth2-proxy pod, run the following command and then wait for the pod to restart:
      kubectl -n oauth2-proxy delete pod -l app=oauth2-proxy

Installer UI Does Not Show Ingress Gateway Node IP Addresses (Required for DNS A Record Configuration)

When you install HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software, you need the ingress gateway node IP addresses to configure your DNS A record for access to the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software domain. However, due to a port conflict that can occur between the istio ingress gateway and OpenShift ingress, the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software installer UI may not display the ingress gateway node IP addresses after the installation completes. When this conflict occurs, the istio ingressgateway pods go into a pending state, and the function that retrieves the node IPs returns empty.

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
  1. SSH into the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software master node or have access to the kubeconfig of the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software cluster.
  2. To identify the nodes running the OpenShift ingress pods, run:
    kubectl get pod -n   openshift-ingress -o wide
    [core@master0 ~]$ kubectl get pod -n   openshift-ingress -o wide
    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP               NODE                        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    router-default-b6c47bcf6-5nlcm   1/1     Running   0          37h   worker2.pooja.ezfab.local   <none>           <none>
    router-default-b6c47bcf6-w7vcv   1/1     Running   0          38h   worker3.pooja.ezfab.local   <none>           <none>
    [core@master0 ~]$ 
  3. To identify the nodes with the "" label, run:
    kubectl get node --show-labels | grep ingress-gateway
    The conflict occurs on the node(s) running OpenShift ingress pods that also have the "" label.
    [core@master0 ~]$ kubectl get node --show-labels | grep ingress-gateway
    worker2.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    worker4.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    In this example output, the conflicting node is worker2.pooja.ezfab.local because this node has the OpenShift ingress pod running and also has the label. The "" label on this node must be deleted and then added to a different worker node.
  4. On each node with the conflict, complete the following steps:
    1. To remove the label, run:
      kubectl label node <nodename>
      The - at the end of ingress-gateway- is included to indicate deletion of the label.
    2. To list all worker nodes, run:
      kubectl get node
      [core@master0 ~]$ kubectl get node
      NAME                        STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
      master0.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    control-plane,master   46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      master1.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    control-plane,master   46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      master2.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    control-plane,master   46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      worker0.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      worker1.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      worker2.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      worker3.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      worker4.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
      worker5.pooja.ezfab.local   Ready    worker                 46h   v1.25.16+5c97f5b
    3. Identify one worker node that does not have the ingress gateway or the "" label and then run the following command to add the label to that node:
      kubectl label --overwrite node <nodename>
      In the example, the following nodes qualify as worker nodes that could have the "" label added:
  5. To verify that there are two running istio-ingressgateway pods, run:
    kubectl get pod -n istio-system
    An OpenShift cluster with three worker nodes has only one ​istio-ingressgateway pod in the Running state.
  6. To get the ingressgateway IPs, run:
    kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.hostIP}'

    Use the IP address to configure the DNS A records.

Sign-Out or Timeout Impact on Open Applications in the User Interface (UI)

If you explicitly sign out of the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software UI or the system signs you out because the session hit the idle duration limit (30 mins), you may face potential disruptions to open applications within the same session with the following message:

Bad Message 431

Reason: Request Header Fields Too Large

For a seamless experience, follow these recommendations:

  • If you are not actively using the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software UI, close the UI tab to prevent an automatic sign out.
  • When intentionally signing out, close all application tabs opened through the UI.
  • If the Bad Message 431 error occurs, resolve it by selectively clearing the cookies linked to the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software cluster. Deleting all cookies is not required.

Sign In Again Returns a 403 Error

When you sign out of HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software, a Sign In Again button appears on the page.

The Sign In Again option is active for fifteen minutes and then times out. After timeout, clicking Sign In Again returns a 403 error.

Under the 403 error, click Sign In and then click Go Back to get back to the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software Home page. If this does not work, close the browser and sign in to HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software in a new browser window.

Cannot Upload File to Data Fabric

In the Unified Analytics UI, when you go to Data Engineering > Data Sources and try to upload a file to Data Fabric on the Data Volumes tab, the upload fails and the system returns the following message:

Failed to upload file.

This issue occurs when the filename includes unsupported special characters, such as &.

To resolve this issue, verify that the filename only contains the following supported special characters:

  • Dash ( - ) (Can be used in Unified Analytics version 1.4.1 and later.)
  • Dot ( . )
  • Underscore ( _ )
  • A single empty space

If the filename contains unsupported special characters and/or more than one empty space, rename the file and upload it again.

Realm Not Enabled Message

If you are signed in to HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software and the license has either expired or has not been uploaded, the URL redirects you to Keycloak instead of redirecting you to the page where you can upload a license, and Keycloak displays the following message:
Realm not enabled

To resolve this issue, go to the base URL, for example and upload a license. Do not include any remaining path after the base URL, for example