Host (Node) Management

Describes how to identify and debug issues for hosts.

Pods Stuck in Terminating State

If you have not updated the SPIFFE CSI driver, as indicated in the Post Installation Steps, and you encounter pods stuck in the Terminating state after restarting, complete the following steps:
Connected Environment
  1. Run the following command to update the SPIFFE CSI driver:
    kubectl -n spire set image ds spire-spiffe-csi-driver
  2. Remove the pods in the Terminating state.

Air-Gapped Environment
  1. Run the following command to update the SPIFFE CSI driver:
    kubectl -n spire set image ds spire-spiffe-csi-driver  spiffe-csi-driver=<airgap_registry>/ezua/
  2. Remove the pods in the Terminating state.
If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact HPE Support.