Pod Sizing Fields in CRs

Pod sizing fields in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes tenant and Data Fabric Custom Resources (CRs) have consistent names, usages, and meanings across all sections of the CR.

Pod Sizing Fields in CRs

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes tenant and Data Fabric Custom Resources (CRs) include some frequently-used settings in several sections. These settings have consistent meanings and usages across all sections and are therefore consolidated in the following section and referenced in other articles. You can see default values for all possible uses of the pod sizing fields in the sample CRs:

  • examples/Data Fabric/cr-full.yaml
  • examples/tenants/cr-tenant-full-internal-hcp.yaml

The pod sizing fields are:

  • requestcpu - string - CPU amount to reserve for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9][0-9]+m). For example: 200m.
  • limitcpu - string - Maximum CPU for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9][0-9]+m). For example: 200m.
  • requestmemory - string - Amount of memory to reserve for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9]+Gi). For example: 4Gi.
  • limitmemory - string - Maximum memory amount for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9]+Gi). For example: 4Gi.
  • requestdisk - string - Amount of ephemeral storage space to reserve for the pod. Default is 5Gi.
  • limitdisk - string - Maximum amount of ephemeral storage space to reserve for the pod. Default is 20Gi.
  • loglevel - string - Log level for the pod container. Value can be ERROR, INFO (default), or DEBUG.

See Managing Compute Resources (link opens an external website in a new browser tab/window).